Kateqoriya Meneceri (İT / Aksesuarlar)
Məhsulun ümumi təsviri
- Şəhər Bakı
- Çatdırılma Xeyr
- Kredit Xeyr
- Barter Xeyr
Məhsul haqqında
Key Responsibilities:
Analyze data or insights to determine industry and consumer trends
Devise long-term development strategies for product categories
Develop exit strategies for unsuccessful products
Foster trust relationships with vendors to achieve better pricing and quality of services
Place appropriate orders to ensure product availability that meets consumer demands
Determine the positioning of a product category to maximize visibility
Liaise with marketing teams to determine competitive pricing and promotional activities of a product category
Collaborate with buyers and merchandisers to expand product categories
Make forecasts for product demand to ensure the sustainability of inventory
Assume responsibility for budget development and revenue for the category
Strong academic background
Proven experience above 2 years is required
Impressive communication and analytical skills
Self-improvement skills
Ability to constantly analyze and implement new ideas
Proficiency in Azeri and English/Russian
Working conditions:
Fixed salary with performance-based bonus opportunities
5/7 working days, 09:00-18:00
Legal registration according to the labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Analyze data or insights to determine industry and consumer trends
Devise long-term development strategies for product categories
Develop exit strategies for unsuccessful products
Foster trust relationships with vendors to achieve better pricing and quality of services
Place appropriate orders to ensure product availability that meets consumer demands
Determine the positioning of a product category to maximize visibility
Liaise with marketing teams to determine competitive pricing and promotional activities of a product category
Collaborate with buyers and merchandisers to expand product categories
Make forecasts for product demand to ensure the sustainability of inventory
Assume responsibility for budget development and revenue for the category
Strong academic background
Proven experience above 2 years is required
Impressive communication and analytical skills
Self-improvement skills
Ability to constantly analyze and implement new ideas
Proficiency in Azeri and English/Russian
Working conditions:
Fixed salary with performance-based bonus opportunities
5/7 working days, 09:00-18:00
Legal registration according to the labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Elan nömrəsi: 4559579
- Baxış sayı: 47
- Yenilənmə tarixi: 1 ay əvvəl
Bənzər elanlar
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